Eleventy scss

Eleventy screenshot

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.

A11yproject.com screenshot

The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.

Stylestage screenshot

A modern CSS showcase styled by community contributions. Add your stylesheet!

Mailtolink screenshot

A quick and easy way to generate markup for mailto links without having to worry about the annoying formatting.

Twelvety screenshot

An Eleventy starter project built to be fast

Basic Pattern Repository screenshot

Simple patterns for <use>. Just SVG - for your delight!

Eleventy Plus Vite screenshot

A clean and fast Eleventy Starter Project with Vite

Eleventy Photo Gallery screenshot

Starter site for creating a responsive image gallery using the Eleventy static site generator

Eleventy Webpack screenshot

A barebone Eleventy and Webpack boilerplate 🎈

Moderncss Dot Dev screenshot

Posts from the series "Modern CSS Solutions to Old CSS Problems"

Htmlrecipes screenshot

A collection of quick copy HTML snippets for a variety of common scenarios.

Vanillalist screenshot

Handpicked Vanilla JavaScript Plugins Repository

Virtual Lolly screenshot

JAMstack demo site - prerendered with serverless API fallbacks

Aleksandrhovhannisyan.com screenshot

My online resume and blog, created with 11ty, Sass, and JavaScript.

Elf screenshot



Elf is a simple & magical Eleventy starter kit to help you create a project using standard technologies like webpack, Babel and Sass, while also considering ease of use, performance and browser compatibility.