Popular Free Eleventy themes

A higher quality collection of the best free themes for Eleventy. Handpicked by our team 🙏

Eleventy screenshot

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.

1loc screenshot



What's your favorite JavaScript single LOC (line of code)?

Eleventy High Performance Blog screenshot

A high performance blog template for the 11ty static site generator.

A11yproject.com screenshot

The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.

Stylestage screenshot

A modern CSS showcase styled by community contributions. Add your stylesheet!

Pages Cms screenshot

A user-friendly CMS for GitHub projects

Tiny Helpers screenshot

A collection of useful online web development tools

Speedlify screenshot

Benchmark the web performance and accessibility of sites over time.

Mailtolink screenshot

A quick and easy way to generate markup for mailto links without having to worry about the annoying formatting.

Frontend Tips screenshot

Super tiny, quick tips, tricks and best practices of front-end development

Slinkity screenshot

To eleventy and beyond! The all-in-one tool for templates where you want them, component frameworks where you need them 🚀

11ty Website screenshot

Documentation site for the Eleventy static site generator.

Eleventy Garden screenshot

:seedling: A starter site for building a mind garden with eleventy

Eleventy Garden screenshot

:seedling: A starter site for building a mind garden with eleventy

Eleventy Img screenshot

Utility to perform build-time image transformations.

Eleventy Excellent screenshot

Eleventy starter based on the workflow suggested by Andy Bell's buildexcellentwebsit.es.

Rocket screenshot

The modern web setup for static sites with a sprinkle of JavaScript

Trailing Slash Guide screenshot

Understand and fix your static website trailing slash issues!

Eleventy Starter Ghost screenshot

A starter template to build websites with Ghost & Eleventy

Eleventy Web Starter screenshot

Eleventy Web Starter is a lightweight Eleventy boilerplate utilising, ESBuild Tailwind and PostCSS.

Eleventy Web Starter screenshot

Eleventy Web Starter is a lightweight Eleventy boilerplate utilising, ESBuild Tailwind and PostCSS.

Spacebook screenshot

💥 Create fast and simple documentation to explain almost anything. Uses Eleventy, Tailwind 2.0, and Alpine JS with an optional Netlify CMS.

Twelvety screenshot

An Eleventy starter project built to be fast

Basic Pattern Repository screenshot

Simple patterns for <use>. Just SVG - for your delight!

Examples screenshot

Integration Examples with Directus

Examples screenshot

Integration Examples with Directus

11ty Netlify Jumpstart screenshot

Quickly launch an 11ty-generated static site. Includes a minimal Sass framework, generated sitemap, and RSS feed.

Platform screenshot

Платформа Доки: шаблоны, стили, скрипты и всё для сборки сайта

Pack11ty screenshot

An heavily opinionated Eleventy template project with Sass

Eleventy Plus Vite screenshot

A clean and fast Eleventy Starter Project with Vite

Vscode Liquid screenshot

💧Liquid language support for VS Code

Eleventy Photo Gallery screenshot

Starter site for creating a responsive image gallery using the Eleventy static site generator

Eleventy Fetch screenshot

Utility to cache any remote asset: Image, Video, Web Font, CSS, JSON, etc

Eleventy Webpack screenshot

A barebone Eleventy and Webpack boilerplate 🎈

Moderncss Dot Dev screenshot

Posts from the series "Modern CSS Solutions to Old CSS Problems"

Tech Blog Rss Feed screenshot


Eleventy Plugin Syntaxhighlight screenshot

A pack of Eleventy plugins for syntax highlighting in Markdown, Liquid, and Nunjucks templates.

Htmlrecipes screenshot

A collection of quick copy HTML snippets for a variety of common scenarios.

11ta Template screenshot

Deeply customizable, full-featured, ready to publish blog template built with 11ty, TailwindCSS, & Alpine.js

Eleventy Plugin Webc screenshot

Adds support for WebC *.webc files to Eleventy

Alpinejs Playground screenshot

A set of ready to use Alpine.js examples with TailwindCSS

Eleventy Notes screenshot

A template for Eleventy to publish your personal notes or docs.

Smix Eleventy Starter screenshot

A standards-respecting starter kit for Eleventy. Go Indie.

Buhocms screenshot

A free and open source local CMS for static site generators

Vanillalist screenshot

Handpicked Vanilla JavaScript Plugins Repository

Aleksandrhovhannisyan.com screenshot

My online resume and blog, created with 11ty, Sass, and JavaScript.

Virtual Lolly screenshot

JAMstack demo site - prerendered with serverless API fallbacks

Api Screenshot screenshot

A service to add web page screenshots to your Eleventy sites.

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